“Explicitly aim to be an adult. Am I taking responsibility for my own actions? Am I being closed minded? And by minimizing the effects of economic markets on your daily life. Become aware of the constant flow of information telling you how to feel, how to think, how to act. Do not let it into your mind, do not let it steer you, your internal reward structure needs to be independent and ungamable. That independence in turn should allow you to collaborate well with others who are similarly independent. Be weary of those who might be nice, but who are captured. Always be learning. Look for collaborators. Play a competition and be prepared to stop playing if things get real. Be skeptical, if not suspicious of any novel prescription for which the rational is unstated or thin on reflection. Revive or create rights of passage in your life. Celebrate not only the passage of time, birthdays, holidays, but also developmental transitions. Honor graduations and marriages, births and deaths, but also career and job changes and promotions, the completion of important analytical or creative tasks and the ends of eras, when they are recognizable as the end. Seek out physical reality, not just social experience. Pursue feedback from the physical universe, not just from subjective social sources. Move your body. Gain experience with model systems that tell you how things actually work. Get over your bigotry, variation is our strength. Not just sex and race and sexual orientation, but class, neuro-diversity, characteristics of personality, all of this adds to what we can accomplish on earth. Place equality where it belongs. Equality should be focused on the equal valuation of our difference, it should not be a bludgeon for uniformity. Smile at people. The people with whom you live, the person behind the counter, the stranger on the street. Be grateful. Laugh daily with other people. Put your phone down. No really, put it down. Define fights for whom and what you love, rather than whom and what you hate. If a mob ever comes for people you know, people who you consider friends, stand up and say “no you’re wrong”. Be honorable and courageous when bullies move in. Speak up for what you know to be true, even if it makes you a social pariah. Learn how to give useful critique without backing the other person into a corner. With our children, when they fall of the unicycle or don’t do well in a math test, we tell them “it’s not your best work”. Its’ true, it doesn’t pretend that every action is worthy of a Gold star and it demonstrates they can do better work and that that “this” wasn’t “that”. Count fewer things about your life, calories, tips, and do more. Develop a theory of close calls. When a close call occurs have a plan for how you will leverage it to gain a better understanding of yourself and your place in the world. Calm down and love a lot. Learn to jump curves. Diminshing returns are a factor for every complex phenomenon, so learn how to jump curves. So, in another way, consider learning a new thing rather than being a perfectionist and getting better at something you were already really, really good at.”