Published Books

What would the future look like, if we did not completely return to normal after COVID?
– The Marginal Value of Energy Information in Urban Resource Constrained Environments (In Adv Prep)
– Castro-Alvarez F, Marsters P , Ponce de León Barido, D., Kammen MD. Sustainability lessons from shale development in the United States for Mexico and other emerging unconventional oil and gas developers. Energy Research and Social Science 61 (2019) 101343. Energy Research and Social Science Link
– A Guerin, EM Hylek, C Frois, DP de Leon Barido, C Marrone. PCV6 Comparison of Bleeding Rates between Statin and Statin-Free Patients on Warfarin: A Claims Database Approach. 2011. Respiratory medicine 105 (12), 1861-1871.
– AP Yu, A Guérin, D Ponce de Leon, K Ramakrishnan, EQ Wu. Therapy persistence and adherence in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: multiple versus single long-acting maintenance inhalers. 2011. Journal of medical economics 14 (4), 486-496.
– PY Andrew, A Guérin, DP de Leon Barido, K Ramakrishnan, EQ Wu. Persistence and Adherence in Patients With Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) Treated With Multiple vs Single Long-Acting Inhalers. 2010. Chest 138 (4), 482A.
– Ponce de León Barido, D., Nelson, H., Shashidhar, T., Roe, T., Smith, R . Sustainability under Change: A Comparative Analysis of Climate Change, Agricultural Water Use and Economic Growth in Punjab and Telangana, India. Columbia University Earth Institue – University of Minnesota Institute of the Environment – Agricultural University of Telangana.
– National Geographic “All Hands”. Online. “The Story Behind Constructive Visions for a Sustainable Post-Covid Future”. December 17th 2021.
– National Geographic Explorers Festival 2021. Online. “The Story Behind Constructive Visions for a Sustainable Post-Covid Future”. June 14th 2021.
– National Geographic Explorers Festival 2021. Online. “The Digital Observatory for Environmental Justice”. June 18th 2021.
– Energy Leadership Lab – Youth Climate Action Summit – TheTech. Online. “Solutions at the Intersection of Energy and Climate”. March 27th 2021.
– Mar y Ciencia (Instagram Live). Online. “Lo que Haces Cuenta: Estrategias para Reducir tu Impacto Ambiental y Huella de Carbono”. August 24th 2020.
-Bioguia and National Geographic (Instagram Live). Online. “Using Data for Community Science, Decision Making and Sustainability”. August 24th 2020.
-National Geographic Online Webinar (NatGeo Headquarters). Online. “Challenges and Opportunities for Community Science and Environmental Justice”. June 12th 2020.
-National Geographic Live Instagram. Online. “Sustainability and Sheltering in Place”. June 5th 2020.
-National Geographic Online Webinar. Online. “Challenges and Opportunities for Community Science and Environmental Justice”. April 30th 2020.
-National Geographic Online Workshop. Online. Taught workshop on “Introduction to Geo-Referencing and Visualization with QGIS, Mapbox and Open Source Software”. April 28th 2020.
-National Geographic Explorers Panel. San Francisco, California. Explorers Panel: “Stories at the Intersection of Digital Technology and Environmental Justice”. February 26th 2020.
– Inter-American Development Bank. Washington D.C. 2nd Place Award Talk for “Energy Innovation at the Intersection of Energy and Gender”. “The Multiple Benefits of Bottom-Up Energy Information Digitization”. October 18th 2019.
– Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital (Standord). Palo alto, California. Invited Television Show: “Leap-Frogging Technology and Data for Sustainable Energy and Environmental Justice”. September 20th 2019.
– Climateworks. San Francisco, California. Invited Talk: “Digitization and Technology Strategies to Close the Energy Efficiency Gap in Data-Limited Environments”. September 18th 2019.
– Public Good App House (Strategy & Impact at TechSoup). San Francisco, California. Invited Talk: “The Digital Observatory for Environmental Justice”. July 26th 2019.
– International Energy Agency Workshop on Energy Efficiency and the Future of Digitization. Dublin Castle. Invited Participant. June 24th – 25th 2019.
– National Geographic Explorers Festival. National Geographic Headquarters, Washington D.C. Lightning Talk: “The Digital Observatory for Environmental Justice”. June 8th – June 14th 2019.
– CITRIS Tech for Social Good Showcase. University of California Berkeley, Center for Information Technology Research in the Interest of Society. “A Digital Observatory for Environmental Justice”. May 1st 2019.
– 2nd National Geographic Explorers Mexico City LatAm Festival. Workshop on leadership and communication. March 15-20 2019. Mexico City.
– Invited Lecture. University of California Berkeley. The Energy and Resources Group. Course ‘Statistical Leaning for Energy and the Environment’. November 15th 2018.
– Youth Climate Action Summit. The Tech Museum of Innovation, San Jose Ca. National Geographic Explorers Panel. November 10th 2018.
– Invited Lecture. University of Indiana. Department of Political Science. Course ‘Global Development’. “Sustainable Development in Practice”. November 5th 2018.
– Invited Talk. Environmental Protection Agency, California (Environmental Justice Program). “An Environmental Justice Platform for Open Collaboration and Community Science”. June 21st 2018.
– The Cities and Climate Change Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Science Conference (Edmonton, Alberta, Canada). Panel on Smart Cities and Their Promise for Addressing Climate Change in Cities: “Behavioral Energy Efficiency and Flexible Demand in Little-data Low Carbon Resource Constrained Environments: A Case Study in Nicaragua”. March 6th 2018.
– 1st National Geographic Explorers Festival in Latin America (Mexico City). Environmental Justice and Technological Activism: Issues and Breakthrough Solutions. February 8th 2018.
– U.S. Department of Energy Webinar on Approaches to Energy Efficiency from Around the Globe: “Going for Gold: Medal-Worthy Approaches to Energy Efficiency from Around the Globe”. Panel on ‘Behavioral Energy Efficiency and Flexible Demand in Little-data Low Carbon Resource Constrained Environments: A Case Study in Nicaragua’. February 8th 2018.
– Stanford University Energy Week. Panel on ‘Experiences in the Development and Implementation of Smart Grid Technology for Resource Constrained Environments’. October 17th 2017.
– Behavior and Energy Climate Conference. A Field Pilot to Enable Flexible Demand and Behavioral Energy Efficiency in Low-Carbon Resource Constrained Environments. January 22nd 2018.
– Stanford Energy Club. Enabling Micro-Level Demand-Side Grid Flexibility in Resource Constrained Environments. May 25th 2017.
– IEEE Internet of Things Design and Implementation. Pittsburgh, PA. Enabling Micro-Level Demand-Side Grid Flexibility in Resource Constrained Environments. April 20th 2017.
– INCMTY Entrepreneurship Conference. Monterrey, Mexico ‘niuera – tecnología para una transición energética baja en carbono, justa, y sustentable’. November 2016.
– Mexican Consulate in San Francisco, CA ‘Academia Meets Tech’ – ‘El Nexo Energia, Tecnologia, Sociedad’. October 2016.
– Banato Auditorium Sutardja Dai Hall, University of California Berkeley. Faculty Forum on ‘Resilience in the face of Global Change’. ‘The Distributed Energy Collective: Opportunities and Challenges in the Transition to a Post-Petrol Future’. September 2016.
– Development Impact Lab, University of California Berkeley. ‘Accelerating Access to Clean Energy Around the World’. Workshop organized by USAID, DIL, and the US State Department. September 2016.
– Inter-American Development Bank: Managua, Nicaragua. SWITCH Nicaragua: Modeling the Transition to a low-carbon Nicaraguan Grid. March 19 2015.
– Berkeley Energy and Climate Institute (BECI): ‘Cafe de Sciences’ Seminar. The Transition to a low-carbon Nicaraguan Grid. March 15 2015.
-Addressing Global Challenges through International Research, University of Minnesota, MN, USA, 17/2/12, D. Ponce de Leon Barido, E. Foufoula Georgiou, ‘Variability and Risk: Hydrological Change, Agriculture, and the Economy’