I work at the intersection of technology (sensor networks, machine learning and AI, data architecture, software) for clean and renewable energy, environmental justice, and conservation science.
Let’s collaborate diegoleonbarido [at] gmail.com

Funded by the National Geographic Society the goal of Atlas Aquatica is to engage with and map all the diving sites around a world, incentivize community science and help conserve some of the most at risk and pristine marine environments around the world …

The Digital Observatory for Environmental Justice: Tracking environmental justice through journalism or grassroots activism is an extremely dangerous activity in Latin America. In collaboration with several NGOs and Civil Society organizations we’re building a platform for analyzing data, and creating tools for participatory digital activism and community science…

Constructive Visions Is an e-book written in collaboration with over 60 National Geographic Explorers, artists and collaborators around the world that explores ideas, concepts and Visions of how the world could change after COVID-19. We ask – How could the world look a few years from now if our positive changes in behavior were maintained in the long run? How could the world look better after COVID-19? Constructive Visions is a compilation of realistic fictional stories, mixed media, sound, digital art and photography.

Tranxect.io was a project built for the first descent of Ogooué River in Gabon by National Geographic explorer Joe Cutler. Africa’s Last Wild River was an expedition that paddled over 1,000 kilometers down the Ogooué River, traversing the entire country of Gabon in inflatable rafts. The team surveyed biodiversity, ecosystem health and shared stories from the river. tranxect.io allowed people from all over the world to tune into the expedition, and follow it in a semi-live format through using images, video, and sound. Throughout 4 months, over 400 people from 36 countries around the world followed the the first descent of the Ogooué River.

LUZERO is Mexico’s first home level energy API for enabling data exchanges between the local utility (CFE), homes and small business, and third parties that need data for taking action (e.g., energy efficiency upgrades, PV planning) …

Latin America’s first open access API to high resolution electricity demand data for some of the largest economies in the Latin America including Mexico, Brazil, Colombia and Central America.

COSMOS was SAS platform for accessing and visualizing energy energy and electricity market that for some of the largest economies in Latin America …

FlexBox: Distributed Sensor Networks for Flexible Demand
This project built the FlexBox which was the first field pilot demonstration in Latin America of how wireless sensor networks could be used to enable demand response and flexible demand …

Building a Coconut Coir/Soil Moisture Sensor with SMS
Wouldn’t it be great if you could automate your home irrigation? Wouldn’t it be cool if your coconut would communicate with you when it needed water? You’d be able so save water, money and become good friends with a coconut! Here is a tutorial on how to start communicating with one!